Fandom: SGA/SG1
Characters: John/Cam
Word Count: 725
Rating: PG-13/angry. Also, cursing.
Summary: John and Cam talk about politics.
Notes: This is probably the most political thing I've ever wriitten, but I kind of felt the need to speak my mind. A lot of the conversation between John and Cam is based on a conversation I had with a friend of mine today. In case you didn't hear, or you aren't from the US/don't follow our news, the Senate voted today to not open debate on DADT, There's an article on it here. And in case you're not familiar with the college kids thing I refer to, that story can be found here.
Other notes: I seriously considered switching comments off on this one. Instead, I decided to go with this: I know there are other points of view on this topic, and I know that some of you guys might holds those points of view. This story clearly holds my own opinions, and if you disagree with them, well, I really don't want to get int oat huge political debate. This is really just a way for me to deal with a bit of frustration. Please keep that in mind, and if you comment about this politically, please know that I'll probably not respond. We're all entitled to our opinions.
...yeah, so, if you're still interested in reading after all that (I don't blame you if you're not):
“I’m going for a run.”
Cam looked up from the stove as the door slammed. That had been John’s I’m-beyond-angry voice, the one that meant his options were either ‘go for a run’ or ‘punch a hole in the wall.’ Cam mentally reviewed the past few hours in his mind and came up empty. He was pretty sure it wasn’t anything he’d done.
He checked the timer on the microwave, gave the sauce a dubious poke with his wooden spoon, and wandered down the hallway to where John had left the television on. He was about to switch it off when the story caught his eye, and he sat and watched as some nameless news announcer held a few papers and gestured to the split screen, where a shot of the Capitol building was shown.
“…have decided not to take up the fight at this time,” the man was saying. “The bill was stalled on a 56-43 vote, a mere six votes short of the sixty needed to break the Republican opposition’s block. We go now to Joe Solomnese…”
Cam watched for a few more minutes before he switched the television off. So they’d decided not to deal with the repeal of DADT. Again. He sighed and went back to the kitchen.
John came back later, much later, sweaty and dirty. He passed by the kitchen and headed straight for the shower. Cam let him go, waiting until he heard the water switch off to spoon the pasta and sauce onto plates. He set them on the table just as John walked in and sat down.
They ate without talking for a few minutes. Cam finally broke the silence. “It doesn’t change anything, John.”
“That’s the point,” John burst out, dropping his fork to his plate with a clatter. “That’s exactly my point. It doesn’t change anything. They won’t even fucking talk about it.”
“It’s not just about DADT,” Cam pointed out.
“I know that,” John said bitterly. “It’s the whole Defense Authorization Act. It’s about immigrants and gays and lesbians and everyone else that they don’t want to talk about.”
“It’s just politics.”
“Shitty politics,” John replied, but he just sounded tired now. “It’s just, two days ago we’re celebrating because of those college kids, but now we’re right back where we started. I thought we actually had a chance this time.”
Cam sighed. “Yeah,” he agreed. “So did I.”
Silence fell for a few minutes, both men eating, until John spoke again. “You know the stupidest thing about it?” Cam shook his head, even though he was pretty sure he knew where this was going. “”After all we’ve done for this country, hell, for this planet, if they found out, we’d both be kicked out. Dishonorable discharge. You kept the Ori from replacing everyone’s brain with mush, I helped keep the Wraith from a free buffet lunch, but if they knew we weren’t just roommates, that we were, well, together, none of that would matter.”
“Yeah,” Cam agreed. “It’s not fair. I know. It’s life, though.”
“Doesn't mean it doesn't suck,” John replied. “Doesn't mean I'm not angry. Doesn't mean it's okay.”
“I'd love to say things happen for a reason,” Cam said slowly, “but you know their defeat will come. Some day.”
“Some day,” John sighed. “Yeah. Just thought it might be some day soon, is all.”
Cam smiled a little crookedly. “Like I said, though, it doesn’t change anything. I don’t really care who they tell me I can be with, and I know damn well you don’t care about half the shit they tell you to care about.” John snorted, which was as much an agreement as anything else. Cam grabbed their dishes and stood, walking to the sink to wash them. “So to hell with them, John.”
“That’s my line,” John quipped, but he sounded a little better, a little less angry. He stood and picked up the dishtowel, grabbing the clean plates and drying them before he stuck them back in the cabinet. Dishes done, he turned and grabbed Cam by the wrist.
“Hey,” he said, tugging until Cam turned to face him. “You’re right.”
“I know.” Cam smiled.
John just rolled his eyes. “To hell with them,” he repeated, leaning in to brush a kiss to Cam’s lips.
“To hell with them,” Cam agreed, kissing him back.