Ki (somehowunbroken) wrote,

Thoughts on the DADT news and comment fic responses if you'd like to chime in!

Here's the aforementioned commentary on the DADT thing: it's not a repeal, and it's for sure going to be challenged. but it's absolutely a step in the right direction. I'm really, really happy about this. I feel like this was kind of a milestone, even though I was pretty sure it was going to happen sooner or later... it just feels good right now. It feels like it means something. (I'm aware that I'm rambling, yes.)

Little comment fic thing, for everyone who wants to celebrate! Write a comment fic, a drabble, a sentence even, about how our ladies and gents react. I'll start:

Evan's mission went well, so he's strolling happily enough through the Gate ten entire minutes ahead of schedule. He's expecting the usual contingent of Marines on guard duty; what he's not expecting is the entire Gate room to be packed full of what might just be the entire expedition, or close enough to it. John's standing at the base of the steps, grinning like crazy, and three seconds after Evan steps through the Gate John's in front of him, grabbing him by the vest, dipping him down, and kissing him.

In full view of the aforementioned entire expedition.

Whoops and catcalls break out from everywhere, and John breaks away to laugh like Evan hasn't heard him laugh in ages.

"Repeal?" Evan asks, grinning.

"Close enough for now," John replies, kissing him again before standing them upright. "Close enough for now."
Tags: admin, drabble, stargate

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